Rabu, 29 Juni 2011

Flash of Sampit Kalimantan Tengah

Sampit as Kotawaringin Capital East is one of the most important cities in the province of Central Kalimantan. In addition because it is economically a relatively advanced districts as well as located in a strategic position.

Viewed from a regional map of Central Kalimantan, the city of Sampit previously located in the middle and this causes a very strategic position. For example, residents of Buntok going to Java, it will be closer if it passes the City Sampit rather than having to Banjarmasin. So even if from Palangkaraya, Kuala Wasters, and Kasongan. Thus, the strategic positioning will enhance the comparative advantage of seaports Sampit owned this area, especially will pull the economy of the districts in the area around East Kotawaringin.

On May 1, 1859 the Dutch Government to open ports in Sampit.

The first version states that the first open area Sampit first region is the one who named Sampit from Bati-Bati, South Kalimantan, around the beginning of the 1700s. As historical evidence, the tomb of "Datu" Sampit itself can be found around Basirih. "Datu" Sampit have two children namely Alm. "Datu" Djungkir and "Datu" Usup Lamak. Shrine "Datu" Djungkir can be found in the river Baamang Mentaya in Central, with a headstone that read Djungkir Sampit bin Sampit. While the tomb of "Datu" Usup Lamak in Basirih.

According to other sources, said Sampit derived from the Chinese meaning "to 31" (sam = 3, it = 1). Called 31, because in those days who came to this area is a group of 31 Chinese people who then do the trade contacts and to open the plantation business (Masdipura; 2003). The results of the efforts of trade when it is rattan plantations, rubber, and gambier. One of the rubber plantation area is large enough then the area behind the Golden and Kodim today.

Sampit city has also been mentioned in ancient books Negarakertagama. At times it is mentioned, especially in the golden era of the Majapahit Kingdom, ruled by King Hayam Wuruk with the famous Elephant mahapatihnya Mada.Di one of the books written by mpu Prapanca in 1365 was mentioned, that the expedition had made ​​the trip in the archipelago where one one place that they singgahi is Sampit and Kuala Pembuang 

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